Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks agoSee, that's the issue.
Pointing at state A and saying it's bad invokes the response "Well B is by far more bad, if you look at contextualized extent, impact, and level of badness!" thus down playing the bad state A has done.
It's like, A hit X with a fist, but B hit Y with a bat, twice and on the shins, so what A did isn't so bad actually. Instead of just admitting hitting is wrong. 5 weeks ago
It’s best to correctly contextualize all bad. Simply saying X is bad if one country does .5X and another does 2X equalizes each into merely “X.” 5 weeks ago
Exactly! :) 5 weeks ago
My point is that that is bad, it obscures reality and leads to incorrect conclusions. 5 weeks ago
Incorrect conclusions about bad actions being bad no matter who does it?