Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 5 weeks agoOnly because how it should be implemented differs from how it has been implemented. I’m just saying. There’s nothing wrong with Marxism. There’s something wrong with the people who practice it.
State socialism is soft totalitarianism. There is a non-zero chance that any government that utilizes such a path will succumb to totalitarianism. Thereby making it a flawed system 5 weeks ago
How should it be implemented in your eyes? You speak in vague, non-Marxist idealism like “soft totalitarianism,” when you should already know better having read Politzer. 5 weeks ago
It should be implemented the way Marx thought it should. If it still cannot be properly carried out, then Marxism is flawed.
Very funny. Soft totalitarianism is a term i came up with, am proud of, and will continue to use for the foreseeable future.