Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 3 months ago
First order: Greed Crimes
Any white collar crime done for the sole benefit of enriching one or siphoning money away from citizens or workers.
Regulatory capture, pyramid schemes, political bribery, hidden tax havens, environmental distruction, writing bills like citizens united, cutting social services, forming monopolies, competition buyouts, blatant conflicts of interest, etc.
We have hate crimes, when something is done out of hatred for a people it is given the harshest penalty because it hurts an entire group.
The thing is, greed crimes ruin the lives of thousands and millions, possibly everyone, and in my opinion should be capital offenses.
We need an investigative oversight committee that stop all functions of a person or company while looking into accusations. If found guilty, a company is dismantled, an individual is executed, their will is ignored and all assets are liquidated and used to remedy the situation that was created.
If found not guilty, you’re closely monitored by the greed crime committee for an agreed period. If you are accused of three sepparate greed crimes and different times, even if found not guilty, you should be considered a bad faith potential, and exiled or removed from any position of power. 3 months ago
That’s something Vietnam got right, sentence the corrupt billionaires to death. their greed destroys lives and kills countless people, yet we do nothing to fight back. screw that. It’s time to fight back now.