Comment on Does an international porn site like Pornhub take accents into account with their algorithm? Does an Australian watching Pornhub porn tend to get more porn with Australian accents than an American? ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

In my experience, changing location changes results. The site will still have an American flair to it, but it had a different group of results when I traveled. I confirmed it later with a VPN. You would think some specific searches would always give the same results but, unfortunately, this is one of the sites that chooses to show related content (to create an illusion of overwhelmingly vast content while snowballing highly-rated content) instead of a more functional search for your exact request. I will also note that language didn’t have much to do with it. I’m guessing tags are translated so using a foreign word still brings you to the same category. Testing a mix of my language, their language, and adding nationalities to the search did not affect results nearly as much as being in the country (or setting my VPN there).

So while I don’t think it’s smart enough to look for an accent, I do expect the content to have more with the accent from local creators delivered in searches by way of regional preference over time.
