Comment on Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated - Gamers Nexus

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

I mean, I could see if they tried to make this rent-to-own over 2-3 years. At half the price they’re offering.

But renting… where you’re paying over the entirety of the price in a single year, is fucking insane.

If renting, and updating it every 2 years, then for like 1/4th of the price then sure. I could see it being promoted how they are. Rent out older stock for 50% retail to at least get some value out of it while allowing people to pay ~$30 a month for a decent computer. (and then you could “upgrade” the lower tier with this to end up recouping 75% of retail over 4 years.)

But who the fuck is paying 10% of the cost a month to borrow an okay computer, even ignoring the full month cancelation fee, and ridiculous contract. (which is… ignoring a LOT.)

It is sad to see NZXT lowered to this as I used to have a decent view of them. They make some nice cases. CAM kinda lowered that view a bit, but I was in the beta for that and got a free water cooler out of it so I could overlook that. And pushing their own not as great products for the prebuilts still seemed okay for prebuilts for those scared to build on their own. But this is just… too much to overlook. Wild.
