Can confirm. I’m playing through my 4th total playthrough (once on launch, once about 6mo later, one on the DLC launch and one now) and the last two have been noticeable in terms of quality improvements. I’m playing modded to shit, but only have had a few crashes. Police feel fine now, I’m not using anything that alters their spawn logic. Just about the only thing I’ve not enjoyed still is driving, even modded to hell lmao
Comment on The Witcher 4 has entered full-scale production, CD Projekt has confirmed 3 weeks agoInteresting. I just looked it up and it seems they completely revamped the entire police system. It light finally be time for me to give it another shot. 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago
It’s a good game now. I waited over 2 years to buy it and think it’s the best single player shooter I’ve played since Bioshock/HL2. Have completed it 5 times now using different builds and am thinking about getting the expansion if it goes on sale at xmas. 3 weeks ago
I bought it on release because TW3 and Deus Ex are some of my favorite games but it was so bad back then that I haven’t touched it since. Alright, I’ll give it another shot. 2 weeks ago
I don’t think you’ll regret it. The story is incredibly rich and outcomes depend a lot on your choices and playstyles. It never feels like you’re grinding for levels to me. There’s the occasional bug, but no more than other games I’ve played. I think it’s probably the first genre defining game we’ve seen in about a 15 years.