Hang on. WoW came out in 2004. So in 6 years you played 3 years in-game? 12 hours a day, every single day for 6 solid years? Were you on disability? Because after sleeping, that doesn’t leave much time for work or school.
Comment on What games have you put the most hours into?
remon@ani.social 3 months ago
Probably still World of Warcraft. When I quite around 2010, I had close to 700 days /played time on my main, and another 400 days between various alts.
dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 2 months ago
remon@ani.social 2 months ago
2 of those years were after I finished school and was just living rent free at home. During that time it was easly more then 12h a day. Though, a lot of that was just being logged in and idle while chatting on teamspeak or doing administrative work for the guild (we ran out own webserver out of a friends house for our forum/dkp system, etc). That’s how I learned programming.
There was also some account sharing, which was literally required to get to the top of the vanialla PvP ranking. Games were built different back then.
dogslayeggs@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Oh god, the PvP ranking bullshit grind. Yeah, you almost had to account share to get the top ranks. Back in Vanilla, two of my IRL buddies did the HWL grind. It was different from the Arena rankings grind, but still brutal. The last 3 weeks were nearly 24/7 to move up, and that’s only because we had an organized server that had a list of who was next in line to get HWL and enforced weekly caps to make sure someone didn’t grind 24/7 and miss a rank.
I stopped at Centurion, because fuck all that. I also wasn’t good at PvP.
slugworth@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Definitely WoW for me back in the day too, in the 400 day range across my main and alts. These days No Man’s Sky in the 400 hour category. Things change when you become a parent, but I still try to find time to play games.
remon@ani.social 3 months ago
Yeah, the amount of time you had as a student sure was amazing. These days it’s more like a few hours a months.