Ooof. Current job has a big problem with that.
I’m in facilities for a company with 2 dozen buildings. We’re big enough that we have a drafting department who needs to sign off on all of our drawings and documentation. For reasons that are always changing, they never want to convert the contractors’ schematics for remodels into something that can be shared. If we’re lucky, the contractors are willing to share prints with us directly more offen, we just have to hope the labels are still there when it breaks and/or ring out individual wires. Huge waste of man hours on our end but every time we suggest fixing it, the drafting department insists that it can’t be done for whatever reason. Our department has offered to handle these schematics several times but, “that’s not in our scope”. 1 year ago
That sounds awful. Maybe one day will dawn on this world when companies will just listen to the professionals doing the work. My manager’s manager (the one resisting docs) seems to be on some kind of power trip. He’s an exceptionally bad listener who treats us like chess pieces in a game he is playing in his own head. I thought he just annoyed me, but after having a chat with my manager about him, it turns out that everyone is having problems with him and he’s unwilling to be flexible.