Comment on Fallout London is a better game than Fallout 4 4 months agoNot sure what version but it had Buffout packaged and didn’t work, not even after I replaced the mod files manually.
Comment on Fallout London is a better game than Fallout 4 4 months agoNot sure what version but it had Buffout packaged and didn’t work, not even after I replaced the mod files manually. 4 months ago
Huh, strange.
Sorry that it keeps happening for you. Hope they fully fix it in the future. 4 months ago
I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed. I’ve been dying for a Bugthesda IP game but made with competence. I’ll still be dreaming of an announcement for Obsidian making Fallout 5 4 months ago
I mean imo The Outer Worlds is somewhat close, but I get not exactly the same.
Yeah, I’m looking forward to their fantasy game too. 4 months ago
Yes, close but not quite right. I want that level of writing and mechanical competence, but in the world of Fallout.
I can’t say I’m looking forward to the fantasy as much, just not the genre/vibe I’m after. I’m still pretty full up on fantasy from The Witcher 3, which should say something.