Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago
Because propaganda works. Rich sponsors fund politicians who promise them to look after their interests. Well-funded politicians run a better-financed campaign.
Because politicians are, nearly without exception, above middle class, if not outright rich. They won’t act too radically against their own class interests.
The only solution I know comes from ancient Athens. Sortition. You hold a lottery to draw representatives. A few extremely stupid people will be drawn, but idiots are far better than sociopaths, and the current system gives undue representation to sociopaths (willing to climb over bodies if that gets them to power). 3 months ago
Randomized representatives can still be propagandized, bribed, and have hunger for power. 3 months ago
Hunger for power would exist, but a critical feature that currently exists - the means of returning to power - would be absent.
Bribes would be a concern, so good pay and anti-corruption mechanicms would still be required. 3 months ago
Unless the randomized reps decide they like their newfound power, and change the rules to allow them to maintain/extend/return to power.
Direct bribes are only part of the problem. Corporations would still do the things they’re doing now, where they bribe politicians with cushy jobs once they leave their government positions. Good pay on the job while at the government doesn’t stop that.