Comment on Not voting for genocide, explained 3 months agoThe dems getting their asses handed to them and rightfully so across the board should force them to do some deep soul searching, and rile up their out to brunch blue no matter who supporters into giving a shit since they clearly haven’t for the past four years.
Lol, and you accuse others of fantastical thinking? When has that ever worked?
The last time this happened is when the democratic leadership pulled together to bump Bernie for Clinton. When Clinton lost to trump, did the Dems do some soul searching and go further left?
Liberal tears are tasty coming from a leftist sick of liberal bullshit.
Brb, gonna elect a fascist to get those liberal tears…
fucking exhausting listening to liberals.
You’re not a leftist, you’re just a contrarian fuckwit that doesn’t understand basic organization and mutual aid.
If you were anything but an armchair leftist, you would have a basic understanding about the importance of popular fronts in leftist history. Some of the most important organizing that allowed leftist governments to come to power in the past have been when leftist anarchist, and yes even the working and middle class, all came together to present a unified front against fascist. 3 months ago
Nope, I expect absolutely nothing to change. The democrat party is working exactly as designed. A foil to the left and a lapdog to corporations and the military industrial complex. They fundraise off losing. See roe vs Wade for a great example of democrat party cynicism and failure to do anything except lose and beg for money. We live in a one party system with false choices. It’s theatre.
History shows that the liberals gladly work with the fascists. See Nazi germany for an example of capitalists fucking over the left and ending up with fascism. Because to social democrats and liberals, protecting class interests supersedes protecting lives. 3 months ago
Okay, so you were speaking dishonestly before when you were attempting to validate your opinion?
That’s simply untrue. First of all, domestically the parties vary immensely in policy ranging from healthcare, labour, race, and gender. And while I would agree that for the most part Dems and Republicans generally agree in foreign policy, that is not always the case.
The most relevant being how they interact with Iran. The whole reason Israel felt comfortable with doing an ethnic cleansing is because the Trump administration ended the Nuclear agreement. Israel’s motivation isn’t just to commit a genocide, but to rope America into an all out war with Iran.
Some liberals will, some liberals won’t. The idea is to sway the liberals into a popular front with leftist against fascist. You know the thing that kept fascism from spreading to France after Italy and Germany.
Except there are dozens of examples throughout history that negate that argument…
Where do you think leftist come from…? There is no other choice than to work with liberals, as that is how leftist are created. The vast majority of leftist were liberal at one point, even the fucking Soviets started with a popular front.
If we blanket reject working with liberals for common goals, there is no one to recruit from. It’s almost like mutual aid is a central tenet of leftist organization…
Please actually read a book at some point and stop regurgitating bad leftist takes from fucking tick Tok. 3 months ago
Nothing will change because the democrats protect capital. What they will do is clamp down harder on the left while ratcheting further to the right. I refuse to vote for them because they refuse to learn. this country isn’t gonna be a country for much longer.
The dems don’t materially differ from the republicans even under domestic issues. Healthcare? Obamacare is Romneycare! Abortion rights? They cynically fundraised off it and fucked us over. They promised to codify it, had all of congress under their control, and refused. labor? Biden sent the striking railroad workers back to work (nice non American spelling there, I see you know a whole lot not being American yourself). Race? Why did they lose more minorities than ever to the republicans? And they lost on affirmative action and DEI initiatives. Gender? You mean how they let republicans dictate their policies re trans people? Or how they fucked women over on abortion? A whole lot of empty promises but do keep being their water boy, non American.
You think the dems don’t wanna bomb Iran too? LOL. So long as John Bolton is alive there’s a damn good chance we’ll be bombing Iran regardless of who’s running the show.
I don’t have tik tok, your spelling shows you’re not American and don’t live here or understand how hard were suffering under inflation while the biden admin gaslights the shit out of us.
Liberals have always shit on leftists and can’t be trusted.