I meant the Trackers.... my big problem as I mentioned is port forwarding. I was wondering if it was possible to make your own alt-Flux network and how the trackers would be set up.
I meant the Trackers.... my big problem as I mentioned is port forwarding. I was wondering if it was possible to make your own alt-Flux network and how the trackers would be set up.
masterofballs@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
At home you should probably just run kubernetes/open shift. There platform will run I'm a similar way.
iamtanmay@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
As you mentioned, the big reason to do Flux would be $$ savings. An alt Flux network, where each client is a cache for your service would be big bandwidth/compute saving. E.g. streaming, MMOs/Metaverse, Wolfballs