2 years ago
Looks interesting and cheaper than what I'm paying for.
It doesn't say anything about content policies. I would want to know that we won't get banned.
They are going to have to work really hard to get people to care about their crypto otherwise no one will host a node. If no one host a node in practice it will be no more decentralized than any other docker host provider.
At this time it looks to be pretty centralized in that only they run nodes. 2 years ago
Yeah, they have an "approval" process for the docker images.... I get it, because they are likely a startup and have to protect against reputational damage from malware etc
What I will try to investigate is if they have an open source equivalent, where people don't need to depend on Flux the company
However, I think for technical reasons, i.e. port forwarding, you would need a provider, unless you are willing to rent a public IP + forwarding or if your ISP supports port forwarding. Mine doesn't
Otherwise the tech stack looks good. 2 years ago
Trash don't want it. That would drastically reduce it's usefulness. 2 years ago
Found the repo:
So it seems you can start your own "Flux", communicate with other Fluxes, release whatever Apps you want...
Seems the image 'approval' is only for their own server/node 2 years ago
Ok that sounds more useful then. 2 years ago, I don't think its how you think. My impression is they want to make sure only "secure" images are available, so likely they will check for malware
Like you said about the Oddyssee and other p2p networks, there is a central provider making the backbone. Flux wouldn't want DDOS agents for example running on their machines or clients' nodes
That being said, I am looking for an open source alternative 2 years ago
That should be taken care of in the infrastructure. Each docker container should be limited in it's allowed bandwidth.
It's super important when building apps to just be able to type,
And redeploy. If you have to go through a approval process for each change nothing will ever get done.