Comment on Friday SOTD Thread - Sep 08, 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

2023.09.08 SOTD:

First time using Catie’s Bubbles. It’s a fantastic soap you’ve made, /u/C_Bubbles. Waterlyptus smells fantastic, and I’ll definitely have to check out more CB stuff in the future.

Shave number four with the Gem, and same as before. Good shave, but not close at all. Plus, my ATG was very unpleasant to the point that I didn’t attempt at all (I’m 95% this is a result of my shave yesterday and not the fault of the Gem). Still working on perfecting it. I didn’t ride the cap entirely today, held it at the slightest of angle. Will try again tomorrow; I will not be bested by a hunk of metal.
