That’s a good point to illustrate the importance of banning cars for personal transportation; all of the traffic is making your partner’s job slower and more stressful
Comment on How Self-Driving Cars will Destroy Cities (and what to do about it) 1 month agoI’m all for mass transit, but there are some jobs that require cars. My partner does home health, for example. She often has to take a lot of bulky durable medical equiomemt (DME) to a person’s home. Even if mass transit existed in all of her territory, transporting DME on it would be prohibative, especially when there are often multiple people that need different pieces of equipment. 1 month ago 1 month ago
I meant the self driving ones. Apologies for not clarifying. 1 month ago
Humans are not getting any better at driving. Self-driving cars will eventually lead to tens of thousands of human lifes saved annually. Why do you want to prevent this? 1 month ago
will eventually
You’re looking for “may eventually”. We’re not anywhere near this so using it as a current argument is rather silly. 1 month ago
Waymo gives 100,000+ rides a week and has never killed anyone, to my knowledge. Seems like it might already be safer than a human driver, it must have millions of miles driven. 1 month ago
Will it? All I have seen is that self driving cars will decide to kill people because they cannot make decisions about life in a way that preserves it.
Maybe in like 1000 years plus they moght become good enough but by that time the conditions that make cars a necessity would be no more or at least severly reduced. 1 month ago
All I have seen is that self driving cars will decide to kill people because they cannot make decisions about life in a way that preserves it.
Do you have any examples? 1 month ago
watch the video, my dude 1 month ago
Ah, got it. Could also be my migraine making me not fully get things. 1 month ago
No worries! Hope you feel better soon! 1 month ago
This is precisely the kind of niche, but vital use case that even places that have otherwise already completely banned cars (like certain islands) allow cars for. Nobody will ever take this away.