Comment on George Carlin everybody. ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

I think that’s the shift in my mind when I woke up this morning. That with everything, I honest to God believed that people were done with everything and that we wanted to stand up for things like women’s rights and lgbtq rights. What instead we saw was a wave of anger, hatred, and selfishness that I have never seen in my life.

And I’m just kind of over it. I’ve fought the majority of my life to protect programs that help the needy, the disenfranchised, programs like unemployment, welfare, and dei programs. And what I saw yesterday is that those ideas are the minority in this country. Most people in this country want something short term for them and don’t have a care in the world about anyone else. They don’t care who is hurting as long as they get to go to Walmart and save a few cents on gas. And I’m over it.

That’s who we have built up in this country. Selfish entitled children. And they’re the majority.

The funny thing is that for me, Trump will probably be great for me personally. I make decent money, I’m white, and straight, and his policies are very favorable to me. That is, if I threw out all of my concerns about who gets stepped on along the way.
