Comment on Saturday SOTD Thread - November 2nd, 2024 (#510) 4 months agoThe soap isn’t very strongly scented, but it smells quite nice. I’ve mentioned before that on some days I get a strange sort of smell from the soap, sort of like an off-gassing from something. I’ve had the same thing from Mood Indigo, so maybe there’s a common accord in both of them. Strangely, it depends on the day.
There’s a sort of maturity to the scent. I’m curious what it might smell like in fragrance form. It seems approachable, but not mainstream, if that makes sense. 4 months ago
Hmm. Interesting that you mentioned Indigo. That’s my favorite HoM scent, and also a miss for me in its description (leaving a blues club). I get none of that vibe. Similarly, for You and I (Will Die): “an exploration of the fragile impermanence of humanity”. WTF?