It’s the entire planet, in higher than high def. Every tree, every polygon. We’re not talking on the TB scale, this is on the PB scale. Everything from Azure maps.
It’s the entire planet, in higher than high def. Every tree, every polygon. We’re not talking on the TB scale, this is on the PB scale. Everything from Azure maps. 4 months ago
In higher than high def? While you’re at 30k feet?
Ever look out a plane window?
What the fuck are they rendering? 4 months ago
Okay I feel like you’re just being glib now. You can fly down to any detail, you can fly down to your own city, fly past your house. You can land on your own street if you want to. It’s the entire globe. You’re not constantly at 30k feet, you can go down and fly around San Francisco, or the Grand Canyon. 4 months ago
Okay and? They’re still delivering at a higher resolution than most people can or want to achieve.
This is absolutely ridiculous, even for that mission statement. 4 months ago
Yes… that’s why they have a slider bar for what resolution you want your terrain at? In FS2020 it was a zero to 400 fidelity scale. You’re arguing that the top of the line shouldn’t be top of the line, when there are so many settings that can be tweaked to the user’s preference. An overwhelming number of settings. FS2020 came with presets for what Azure Maps fidelity you wanted if you didn’t want fine tuned controls.