Comment on Hope I won't regret this: Does anyone here live in a van? 5 months agoThere are many issues (with my social phobia, people being 90% of them), but I like it a lot for one thing only, freedom.
Only recently I traveled for some months, which was awesome, mostly because of the outback. Most of the time it was staying close to work, but I still loved it so much always be close to the beach which I would never be able to afford otherwise. And over time I learned the safe places to stay, so I didn’t have much issue with not being able to sleep because of noise.
But it’s certainly not for everyone. Most of the problems don’t bother me at all, when I can have so much freedom. But for most people it would be too high of a price to pay, or they don’t enjoy the benefits that much.
I do miss having a house though, specially one with lawn and trees. But the cost is more than the benefits, specially since it means I have to slave my life away to pay for it. If I was super rich and could buy something in a nice place I would though.