Comment on Dont Duck Go, Duck Duck Go is Asshoe

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

Wolfballs has a central use case with content posting, but it could also add feeds with discussions from Dissenter like sources or even Matrix

Yes, you are right, Dissenter like overlays should be handled p2p or federated at least. How does LBRY store comments and likes ? On the blockchain maybe ? If so, then that could be expanded for general use. The payment in tokens is a necessary evil for others to share and seed the network. Its worked fine for me so far, uploading is only a bit slower, and text comments are very lightweight anyway. The token usage for storing comments + likes should be waaaaaay lower than video content.

A plugin for such a LBRY commenter for Brave would mean a huge user base. Brave already has a lot of p2p out of the box, so I am sure they wouldn't mind such an addition.
