Comment on [MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences! ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Having a very weird “relationship” with this game.

Switched to linux for my desktop so PC gamepass is… a hassle. Which means I would be playing this on my xbox. But also? There is a full month of “early access” that I need to wait through to play the game I “own”?

Caught a few streams yesterday and it looked fun in that “Outer Worlds without the charm” kind of way. Could see myself going hard on the ship editor but… Avorion and Space Engineers already exist. Also Cosmoteer

Which makes this weird. It looks fine/good (like basically any bethesda game since Oblivion) but I kind of already am having difficulty mustering up the interest to go preload it on my xbox. Suspect I’ll just “forget” about this game until a Steam sale a few years from now. Kind of like Fallout 4 (although, I have yet to actually bother with that outside of ymfah videos).
