Still retains the scent
The average of a tin compared to a plastic tub, I guess. It’s actually airtight.
Comment on Wednesday SOTD Thread - Aug 30, 2023 1 year ago
Another Mike-y shave in the middle of the week. One of the thing’s I like about Mike’s is how long the tubs lasts. This one I’ve had for… a decade? A little over a decade? Still retains the scent and still makes lovely lather.
Still retains the scent
The average of a tin compared to a plastic tub, I guess. It’s actually airtight. 1 year ago
How do you like the Vie-Long? I had a Vie-Long horse hair brush but I eventually gave it away because I just could not ever get decent lathers out of it, no matter how much I wanted to. 1 year ago
I love my horses. I got three; this one, a tan one, and a mixed horse-badger one.
They all make good lather. Takes a little while to load, but not as long as my expensive fluffy pure badger do. I do have softish water though, that might help.
One trouble is that they sometimes like to knot up. But nothing the occasional bit of conditioner and some TLC can’t prevent or in worst case fix. 1 year ago
I never actually had mine knot up. I’m still not sure what my problem was. I followed lots of people’s advice on how to use them but I just could not get it to work for me. YMMV as they say. I’m glad they work for you, I do like the idea of them.