Sir, you are on greentext. Idk what you’re expecting.
Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 2 months ago
i want to like this but I have to assume anyone still using pepe against the creator’s wishes is a shitbag 2 months ago 2 months ago
If there’s one thing I do when I male a meme its definitely contact the creator and ask if my specific meme goes against their personally held beliefs. Yes, this is a completely normal thing to do.
Its really annoying when I want to make a Huck Finn meme because I have to hold a seance for Sam Clement and he can be a real asshole when you wake him from the dead. 2 months ago
It’s a frog 2 months ago
I mean I’d wager vast majority of the internet doesn’t have an inkling of who the creator was or his wishes, they see the format and make their own.