Comment on The Passion of The Christ sequel to reportedly start filming in 2025 5 months ago
Who wrote that article? That movie was never the most successful R rated movie. In 2003 Matrix Reloaded was released and made over $700m and in the time since it was released 8 other movies have made more money than it, with Joker & D&W both making over a billion dollars. 5 months ago
Spot on.…/List_of_highest-grossing_R-rat…
That list isn’t adjusted for inflation, unfortunately, so the rankings aren’t entirely fair. Two things stood out to me, though. The early 00’s were a little sparse on R-rated hits (you have to go all the way down to #20 before they start to become more common). And 1991’s Terminator 2, adjusted for inflation, surpassed Passion of the Christ by $100,000,000, despite only being #18 (after PotC’s #10).
A short list further down the page shows only the timeline of highest grossing R-rated movies at their time of release. PotC is obviously absent from that list.