No you asked why hadn’t they raised prices before. And I was nice enough to let the flawed premise pass, (they have raised them before, they’d be out of business if they hadn’t) and give you the layman’s answer to your layman’s question.
Now you want to say it meant something else, something the English you wrote doesn’t support.
No. 5 months ago
Sorry, you’ve misunderstood the question. Obviously there have been price increases in the past.
If a company, on this present date, raises the price of a widget they sell to $X.XX, I’m asking you why it wasn’t already at that price. Why had they waited? 5 months ago
No. You’ve had two shots at this question and both answers will do here. 5 months ago
This is literally the first post where you’ve understood what question I even fucking asked, I think you’re obligated to give one attempt at an answer before you take your third place victory lap 5 months ago