Comment on Thursday Austere August SOTD Thread - Aug 24, 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Austere August: Day: 24
MRTNG’s Ultra Nightmare Mode
Midnight Stag Challenge

Gear Pic :: Video

䷀ General Notes

Slowing down for today’s shave, from the quickies over the last two days.

Adding in a bowl again, with the slurry lather technique to see what happens.

䷀ Razor and Blade Notes

(Timeless - Stainless Steel .68 - Open Comb ::: Gillette - Nacet - M ‹522 uses›)

Same: First pass has some tugginess to it. But no irritation that lasts longer than a little tuggy stroke. Latter passes feel fine and give a reasonably close shave. 3 pretty quick passes.

Razor and Blade Performance/Comfort Rating: 2 out of 5 (Okay)

䷀ Soap Notes

(Chiseled Face - Midnight Stag - White Label)

I just love all the aspects of this scent!

Scent Strength: 6/10, nicely present during shaving.

Lather… Slurry lather and 8 swirls, on a tub that had little soap, but it was just a little damp from yesterday.

As I’m bringing in the bowl, what falls on my shirt duirng the first pass is wet suds and not water. This one wasn’t as slick as a slurry, but still slick enough to shave well.

Plenty enough lather for 4-5 passes.

Hydration: Perfect (for me)

Bowl: Roger Quintero 3D Printed Bowl
I use the XL version of this bowl.

䷀ Brush Notes

(Zenith - r/wetshaving MOAR BOAR B35/508A XL ‹47 uses›)

Same: Comfortable soft tips that do flex some, but that are supported by a base with strong backbone. As with all young boars, I look forward to the tips splitting with more uses and getting softer with use.

During the Shave Feel:
  Cheeks: Felt blade but comfortable
  Neck: Felt blade but comfortable
After the Shave Closeness:
  Cheeks: Close Shave
  Neck: Several hairs are showing some tip length (still a pretty good shave)

Ending of Blades Ledger - entry form and the data spreadsheet
