Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

*Trump said “wants war with Mexico’s " Drug Cartels”

*Trump never told people to drink bleach during COVID.

*Israel/Palestine already had high tensions.

*Trump doesn’t want war

*Harris didn’t wash anyone in the debate, just relied on talking points that had been debunked.

*America has been divided for a while, actually.

*Trump and his team had Intel which asserted that the Iranian General had plans to harm coalition forces.

*Trump was convicted by E Jean Carroll just by her word, nothing else, about something that happened some years ago.

*The 11,000 biden votes that appeared overnight ?

It’s obvious that you hate Trump, and if Trump goes away, none of these will be resolved any time soon, and have existed long before Trump. At least people know who they’re voting for with Trump. Democrats just vote blue no matter who, which is the epitome of “uninformed voters”.
