Comment on Energy bills to tick lower this winter but will remain high 1 year agoBecause capex is capex. Buildings, solar, windmills. Doesn’t matter. All that matters is capex roi and opex unit per watt
We are still talking about average prices, over time, which again is different to spot prices, and both above points are further proof that your original statement of renewables being economically inviable is incorrect.
Now go read this and tell my that capex doesn’t matter 1 year ago
I’m done here, you’re clearly not reading what I’ve said if you genuinely believe I’ve said capex never matters. 1 year ago
I said - Renewables are only economically viable because the cost of power is paid on the last generator, which is natural gas.
You said - This is not true, renewables are economically viable at much lower prices than fossil fuels because their next unit cost is effectively zero
And yet I show you sources where increased capex costs are making renewables economically unviable because the capex costs have increased so much due to inflation and the wholesale price they were offered at auction is now not enough to justify the CAPEX to build it.
You’re going in circles because you won’t admit that the horse comes before the cart. You can’t get to zero extra unit cost if you don’t build the fucking thing. 1 year ago
I explicitly covered this in my 3rd comment - quoted below. 1 year ago
And yet you’re still wrong… The prices are part of the contract.
The increased capex and opex is making it ECONOMICALLY UNVIABLE…/14gw_wind_project_in_uk_cancelled_a…