Comment on Are Men Killing the Planet? | Our Changing Climate ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

/u/ /u/ thanks for the discussion and for the link to the article. I actually found both the video and article really interesting and informative and can see how my original off the cuff comment totally missed the point. These are things I’ve absolutely seen in my everyday life and really frustrate me. This kind of toxic masculinity bs and shitty behavior hurts everyone in so many ways, it’s pervasive everywhere not just in climate forums and I agree we should be talking about the issues, raising awareness and trying to fix them.

Unfortunately, 98% of people are only ever going to see the title of the video (based on a quick search of youtube conversion rates), which in my view does an awful job of representing the content. It is inflammatory and harms the discussion. How do you think someone on the fence about these issues would be impacted by the title? Just look at the discussion in this comment section, including my own comment, missing the point and the reception this post has been met with will cause it to get buried pretty quickly here. Communication is tough, I don’t have an answer and often get it wrong myself, I’m not a content creator or communicator. It’s just a shame that the article and video are going to go unseen by many or potentially even make people feel attacked and divide folks further when the intention is actually the opposite as you mentioned.
