Being an unloved —or worse, abused— child is quite often the root cause of a vast number of affective and personality disorders people develop later on as an adult.
Being an unloved —or worse, abused— child is quite often the root cause of a vast number of affective and personality disorders people develop later on as an adult. 7 months ago
That is total bullshit. My first bf before I turned lesbian would beat me and rape me almost daily to the point I bought a gun to commit suicide. I never used it on myself or him but I broke up with him and moved to the west coast. I am just saying that because I don’t hate men…hell I even find some attractive. But it did not make me hate or whatever an entire gender 7 months ago
What is exactly the bullshit part about what I said? That a bad childhood usually leads to a fucked up adulthood? Because it does. Of course, everyone copes with trauma or a tough childhood differently, and some people do move on to lead surprisingly well adjusted grown-up lives. But for the ones that don’t, having a poor childhood experience is a very common factor.
It took me 2 mins to find this research paper to evidence what I’m saying: ……/s12889-016-2906-3
I could probably find a few dozen more if I spent more time looking. 7 months ago
Unless you are a follower even in your own mind does not give you the excuse. Cite me one thing where a person grew up in a good child hood and not become normal? Without his or hers thoughts playing into it. 7 months ago
I’m not saying a traumatic childhood is a good reason to dismiss someone’s crimes as an adult. Whether you had the best life as a kid or not, hate crimes must be punished all the same.
Our responsibility as a society in all of this should be to give these people the support and education they need before they find it in these cults of hate. This is where we’re failing big time.