Comment on [deleted] ⁨4⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

It’s baffling to me too, but considering how much the post-DS9 “NuTrek” showrunners like to trot out Section 31 and give them more power and reach and even respectability among the protagonists each time they seem to show up (such as in Picard where for some reason Worf and Jurati were associated with them and they apparently “had all the best toys” in a way that sounded quirky and cool rather than an unaccountably self interested bunch of murderous criminals as seen in DS9), there’s a fair amount of overlap it seems between the “black ops special forces shadowy adults in the room that make the hard decisions and get shit done” power fantasies of typical right wing entertainment and whatever Kurtzman keeps trying to push on the Trek franchise.
