It’s something that’s irking me.
I’ve been a bicyclist, car driver, drive for a living and also have a VSett that goes a steady 35mph max which means I can lane check but, because I can’t fugging insure the thing means I’m always looking over my shoulder if I need to dump some keen eager copper.
I’m starting to think of selling it so I can get a eBike Surron instead and blend in with the local wildlife around here. 6 months ago
If you give people a reasonable, legal way to do things, people will generally do them.
And the odd twat doing 30mph on the pavement is much more obvious, rather than blending in with people who would otherwise be following the laws. 6 months ago
I think one thing that’s missing from the equation is testing and licensing to ride/drive them.
I know it’s an English forum here but you need to have a set of cojones to “drive” an escoot/EUC on our roads and I only use it to travel the short distance to work.
I’ve gone down arterial roads suited up with live Bradford traffic, and it’s not for the faint of heart lemmi tell ya :/