Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago…the coffee and cigarette is a stereotypical idea of a comically unhealthy breakfast.
that was the point.
There’s a hell of a lot more to eating healthy than just balancing 3 simple macros. Especially when what you’re balancing is a load of processed shite in bright plastic containers. 6 months ago
So we’re talking about packaging then? Not the food itself? Do you know what type of containers yogurt is shipped in? Or even a lot of fruits? Surely you have a better argument than that? 6 months ago
Lol what a silly hill to die on 6 months ago
What’s your argument? 6 months ago
“shitty unhealthy food can be eaten in half the recommended portions!” Isn’t mine. 6 months ago