Comment on If you guys are still going to use lemmy after EH goes down, what do you think of these ones? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

hey, I’m the admin of, thought I’d offer you my 2 cents.

Generally speaking anyone is welcome on Lemdit. We’re not a political instance, nor are we a strictly ‘free speech’ one. What this means is any ideas are welcome irrespective of political lean, but slurs, attacks or calls for violence are not. To give you a concrete example, disagreeing with government covid policy is fine, calling people fags is not.

Lemdit is indeed a tiny instance. This isn’t really an issue as far as content and engagement is concerned thanks to federation, but it does mean we’re a very small fish that can be easily killed if we get defederated. We’re not big enough to survive under our own content steam, so if you do join, please try to keep this in mind.

The only instances we’ve defederated are ones that host loli porn. In general, anything that can get us into legal trouble is gone on the spot (I don’t mean the interpretation of legal). Otherwise I don’t live in the US and I make it a point not to get involved in politics one way or the other, so you will not see me defederate or block anything based on politics.

Lemdit is also self-hosted and costs me very little to run, so this isn’t a donations grift, we’re not looking to grow at all costs, etc.

You can find more info here:

If this sounds like you, then feel free to sign up.
