Comment on 4 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people (DRAFT!) 7 months ago
Other suggestions:
Social problems cannot be solved by technical solutions e.g. “turning the racism off” by filtering or blocking others as a user (run from any instance that takes this approach).
If your instance is shit and gets blocked, don’t complain that it got blocked, either complain to the admins or move instances.
Give money to black people.
Boost the things they say about their experiences or the experiences of others and boost things they care about because likely it’ll benefit people at the very least by raising awareness. 7 months ago
Thanks, all good points, I’ll try to work them in! The boosting is somewhat tricky, the general guideline is “boost posts tht people want boosted, don’t boost posts that they don’t want boosted”, but it’s not always clear which is which (unless they. have “Please boost” in there somewhere) 7 months ago
Another good point is as white people we have a responsibility to figure out if racists can see it. In that case we need to figure out a way to stop that harm immediately either by stopping certain followers or blocking/reporting etc. 7 months ago
Sure! Happy to help. Yeah, it can be difficult to discern.