Comment on Help me understand littering ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

There’s no justification, it’s part of a broken culture.

As a Czech citizen living in a city, I see it happening all around me. By far not for everyone, but for a lot of people treating trash properly is considered a fool’s errand, virtual signalling, try-hard, you name it. This toxicity is unfortunately too common in the culture, and lot of people (including me) are just afraid or tired of being seen as a try-hard. It’s especially “awkward” to clean up.

Obvious littering is one thing but I recon most of the trash floating around is due to “practical littering”, where people, if trash cans are full, will just “neatly” place their beloved trash next to the can, kiss it goodbye and walk around as if wind does not exist. I’m probably too cynical but sometimes I imagine the same people going judgemental when they see trash caught up in bushes.

As for cigarette butts, that’s just dumb. I don’t think I’ve seen someone toss something like a plastic bottle or a bag on the ground, just like that, more than 5 times in my life, but with cigarette butts I see them all the time – most often just before they jump on a tram or a bus. (I’m strongly against violence and bullying, but rationality aside, to be honest, there’s a part of me that is wishing they had to pick it up and chew it.)

(Goddamn, about 2 weeks ago, someone must have left some balls of yarn outside, next to a trashcan, on straight street. I was walking to grocery shop and some kind of thread was unrolled along the pavement for, i kid you not, like 150m. It was bizarre. Could have been some serious TikTok/YTShorts material if someone wanted to make a “goody PSA”.)
