No they’re fucking not
Nice source. Yes, they are.
Survivorship bias, and you just noted you don’t wear them
Holy shit dude, anymore. They survived 6 years of wearing. I’ve been using glasses off the internet for over 10 years as have 3 other people I know, it’s not survivorship bias if over 10 pairs of glasses haven’t had any of these issues you mention.
This point is attempting to imply there is no difference in products, which there absolutely is.
You’re right, the brand name glasses I used to wear have never lasted as long as my Zennis
I’m glad you watched a video once
Or I’ve ordered them and wear them regularly. Nice assumption though.
but this is my profession
So you’re incentives to keep the bullshit going? Well, I should definitely trust you!
and I know better than you.
Clearly not, as you said a bunch of shit would happen with these glasses that, again, I’ve never seen despite my and my wife both having our entire family order glasses online for the last 8-12 years (mine 12, hers 8ish). Oh, and friends as well for about the same amount of time. 6 months ago
If you can’t tell the difference in quality between zenni and OvvO, lool, or paradigm frames, you’re willfully ignorant. I wouldn’t expect someone who only gets glasses online to know this since you have no experience. I however do.
As for issues with lenses, I see 25 patients a day, and have for the last 12 years. I’ve seen a few more cases than you and your wife, or even you and your friends.
Your opinions are not equal to my education and experience. I am literally an authority in this industry.
I’ve designed frames and vetted manufacturing plants to find one that fit my standards for materials. I make lenses everyday. I troubleshoot and fix or replace eyewear everyday. I know what happens when a focal point is off center by 3 mm. I can tell when someone is wearing online glasses just by how the temples fit.
There are a few very large companies that benefit greatly from pushing the idea that they’re all the same, and you’re shilling for them whether you know it or not. 6 months ago
What part about “none of my online glasses have been any worse than the designer frames I got before” did you not read?
Keep telling yourself that. So far you’ve only been a high on your own farts cunt spouting total bullshit. Frankly with how little of anything you’ve given but “but but but but I’m such a PROFESSIONAL” ive begun to think you’re a LARPing 13 year old