Comment on Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day? 7 months agoYeah, Healthline is a source for laymen. That information is provided that way because people won’t know what Y-DNA haplogroup they’re in, but will generally know if they’re considered black. There’s public health research by race too, but again that’s related to social outcomes and data availability.
White people have higher tolerance for lactose, so a milk-heavy diet is worse for other races.
Except the other highly tolerant cluster is West Africans, with smaller ones in places like Pakistan and Arabia.
Stolen from r*ddit, although you can find many similar ones elsewhere
Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the scientific consensus:
Even though there is a broad scientific agreement that essentialist and typological conceptions of race are untenable, scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways. While some researchers continue to use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behavior, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race is inherently naive or simplistic. Still others argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance because all living humans belong to the same subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.
And here’s what the World Medical Association has to say:
Despite the fact that races do not exist in the genetic sense, in some cultures racial categories are used as a form of cultural expression or identity, or a means of reflecting shared historical experiences. This is one aspect of the concepts of “ethnicity” or “ancestry”.
I tried to find something from the AMA, but it’s so well established all the recent stuff takes the non-biological nature of race as a granted, and talks more about the ethics of handling the social categories. 7 months ago
Yeah but it’s still obvious bullshit. Bad science is bad science no matter what level of authority does it.
So? Instead of “race” you’re saying “Y-DNA Halogroup”. Performative bullshit just to avoid the fact that race is real. You could call it “Mario Kart” instead of race, it’s still the same damn thing and it’s still real. 7 months ago
According to who? At this point it’s starting to sound like a conspiracy theory. All the actual evidence has been laid out for you, including in pretty infographic form.
Y-DNA haplogroups in no way correspond to race. They look a bit like the lactose map: Interesting, and unrelated to the traditional social categorisations. Pretty much all genetic maps are like that. 7 months ago
That’s race! That’s the definition of race! Fucking university types just don’t like the word!
They are describing race! It’s super fucking obvious if you get rid of whatever white guilt stupidity makes you get the ick when you hear the word “race”. 7 months ago
You’ll notice letters appear more than once, and there’s more than one letter. Also, that’s mtDNA, and if you actually cared about biology you’d know that’s only one type on DNA, inherited one way, and you can completely mix and match with the Y haplogroups.
I get it, you hate wokes. I don’t really think cultural disgruntlement is a good basis for defining “science”, though. I suspect there’s no more useful information to exchange here.