Comment on Stonehenge tunnel scheme scrapped by government 7 months ago
I was in support of this, but with the way finances are looking for the country, I understand why this has gone down the priority list.
While dualing that section would only move traffic to the next choke point (blackdown hills I’m guessing, where it will never get dualed), it’s worth remembering the A303 is the spine road for the whole central section of Dorset/Somerset. And it’s 50 miles in each direction to the north M5, or the A35.
Funneling the traffic via existing large routes is going to be a massive detour.
I also personally feel that not having a trunk road thundering past a world heritage site would be preferable, even if it does take the form of a £2 billion tunnel. 7 months ago
The original plan was to knock down Stonehenge, but I have no idea how serious that plan really was. 7 months ago
I mean, the people who destroyed The Crooked House are now out and about again… 7 months ago
Quite sure what the relevance of that comment is, but anyway, they have not been released they have simply been bailed which is different. They are still 100% absolutely fucked, they will be lucky if they come out of this without jail time and just with heavy fines.
But they’re not considered flea risks (where are they going to go, it’s not like they’re hardened criminals with foreign assets) so there’s no point keeping them in custody. 7 months ago
Ah, it was a little joke about how if they were planning to knock down a cherished location, the people responsible for The Crooked House would be ideal candidates.