Comment on Daily discussion. 🏅 Wednesday, 31 July, 2024 7 months ago@melbaboutown Haha
Yeah, they're good at figuring out the hooman's schemes.
With Miss Mimi, we couldn't crush up her tablets and hide them in her food because one of our other babies likes indulging in other people's meals.
We tried these meat-flavoured pill pockets. She got wise to them within a day. She got good at eating the pockets and spitting out the tablet.
We tried this contraption that flings the tablet down her throat. She got wise to that.
We tried crushing the tablet, mixing it with water, and syringing it. She got wise to that.
We tried hiding the medicines in different places. She came to recognise the sound of the bottle opening.
We tried giving the tablets in different places.
We tried all the things. At best, they worked for a day.
At worst, she bit wifey's finger accidentally.
Most of the time, we thought she took the tablet, only for her to spit it out later.
The joys of having a sick cat...