Comment on Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day?

<- View Parent ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The US’s conception of race is not based on physical traits but social realities.

This is the fucking bullshit that makes me want to bitch slap all you academic morons who keep insisting that race is a social construct. It’s so goddamn fucking annoying. YOU JUST FUCKING ASSERT THIS. FUCKING A PRIORI. And then you use that bullshit assertion to build the world’s biggest fucking straw man.

It’s so goddamn stupid and also so smug at the same time, which is a rage-inducing combination coming from anyone. But especially from Kaeieghlyyn who somehow spent 4 years in college studying racial inequality without ever stepping foot in a ghetto.

No one ever gave a shit about the “one drop law”, not even in the racist South where it existed, unless someone needed an excuse to exercise power over someone else. If you pass as white you are, for all intents and purposes, white.

How does one get to the situation where they pass as white?

Their parents could pass as white! At least one of them. It’s an inherited characteristic, which is what race is. That’s it, that’s the whole thing. Race is a bundle of inherited physical characteristics sorted by commonalities.

That humans generally have five fingers is not a social construct, it’s an (emergent) property of our genome.

But some humans have different numbers of fingers! Some have four, some have six! Some humans are born without hands! Therefore your entire system of categorization is invalid! You cannot classify things in any way, because exceptions might exist! Literally everything is a social construct!!!

Or, you know. Alternatively. Categorizations are valid despite the fact that exceptions exist.

Don’t “end with” a fucking quote from a fucking philosopher. It’s the bitch icing on a giant cake of smugness. I’m happy to debate this with you but for the love of christ at least pretend to be fucking humble. Also your quote is stupid, because it’s referring to the type of straw in your straw man. You’re trying to explain some shit that doesn’t matter, because your entire premise is wrong.
