Comment on I grew up in the era of Photoshop and people would post fake nudes. Why is it now a big deal that AI is doing it? Kinda like the Taylor Swift thing on twitter. ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

It’s only a big deal because of puritan society like in the US or UK or similar in the first place. There are societies where nudity is not a big deal anyway, so nude photos of someone are also no big deal.

Look at Germany for example. Lots of FKK (nude) areas. No one really bats an eye. Of course there nudity is also not perfectly normalized, especially in some circles. But still, not many are concerned about nude pictures of themselves.

Obviously AI makes more nude pictures faster than someone skilled at Photoshop. So if your society has a problem with nudity, there will be more problems than before.

But really, there shouldn’t be a problem anyway.
