Yeah, no.
That’s covered by political activity in the same laws. The list of exemptions here is pretty broad and goes well beyond actual officially registered political parties.
Here’s the list for the Australian Privacy Laws:…/exemption-for-registered-political-…
And here’s the restrictions around spam:… 3 months ago
Political Communications to land lines are generally exempt from do not call. Cellular communications require prior consent, but the “consent” could be as flimsy as being registered with a certain party. You must be able to opt-out from the communication, and that’s why they have the “reply stop” verbiage. If they don’t honor your request, you should report it. Failing to actually make an effort to stop the communication (as is strangely being suggested) should be the only reason you would continue to receive them.
The direct affiliation with a party or campaign is not a requirement.
Here is the relevant information from the FCC 3 months ago
Yes, I believe all of that is in line with what I have stated. Just to clarify, my interpretation of the previous comment was that political parties were exempt from the requirement to provide an opt out in Australia for political parties (by my interpretation, just the official parties and not unrelated political organizations), and they implied they believed it to be the case in many other countries. I have not recently reviewed the relevant laws, so I was not 100% certain if that implication would prove true in the United States (though was pretty confident that was not the case by my previous experiences with messages from officially endorsed organizations), but I went on to explain how these are not officially endorsed by political parties anyway, so if such an exemption did exist, it should not apply to this particular message. 3 months ago
Yeah, I was adding clarification, not disagreeing!