Saw it Friday… thoroughly enjoyed it! Not something that’ll blow your mind writing-wise, mind you, but better than most of what MCU has been pumping out. The music fit well, the jokes were solidly done, and the cameos landed better than I expected. However, If you don’t care for excessive violence, coarse language (and wonton fan-service!) you may not enjoy it as much as me and my partner did. I’d recommend it in any case. Especially if it helps to motivate hollywood to make more R-rated marvel/DC/comic movies. 6 months ago
Every article I see about this movie is about how much money it’s making and nearly zero things about the movie itself. 6 months ago 6 months ago
It’s part of the release cycle - you get casting news, then trailer and reveals to keep your interest, then the reviews drop and it’s on to the box office (the current stage). The problem is that any further discussion of the film is going to be loaded with spoilers and they will spoil your enjoyment of the film. However, it’s the Sunday of the opening weekend, so let’s open the gates of Hell! If people get angry at me, I’m blaming you. 6 months ago
That must be it, I completely missed the reviews wave. 6 months ago
But not, I hope, the bizarre speculation phase. 6 months ago
I missed that too. How interesting. 6 months ago
Reviewers were asked not to talk directly about the writing or characters, at least according to the review I heard on NPR a few days ago. Probably has a lot to do with it. 6 months ago
Isn’t that usually a sign of a bad movie? But this one is doing well so what gives? Why the gag order? 6 months ago
There are lots of cameos they are trying to keep secret I’d assume 6 months ago
Generally, bad movies won’t have pre-release reviews, period. I couldn’t tell you about this particular decision, though. 6 months ago
Disney’s gotta Disney.