Comment on Tuesday SOTD Thread - Aug 22, 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

August 22, 2023 – The Great Spice Off – The Village Soap Smith Old Spice Type 2

Back from vacation so back to the Great Spice Off! Less soap definitely the way to go with this thirsty bugger. Kicked up a good lather still, though drank up a lot of water still. A bit tricky (or at least time consuming) to load it up because of how thirsty it is but eventually got it slick and had a nicely cushioned shave with the Clogpruf. This was actually one of my better recent shaves with a GEM, which had given me some issues that last couple times for whatever reason.

Still not much scent off this during or after the shave so I’m thinking using even less soap won’t change that but we’ll see with the final shave.
