Comment on NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Modules 3 months ago
And the haters doubted me. I said it, and I say it again: you can’t fuck with datacentre money, and as far as getting your hardware in the hands of developers, untainting that kernel will go a long way towards deeper development and testing.
Just the development going into the interoperability between CPU and GPU is a massive step towards a convergence in compiling. I say that as someone who’s currently frying an egg on my laptop trying to compile a huge Rust project while my GPU languishes. Feh.
It was only a matter of time before we get all that bare metal code out in the open, which means I can hope that my GTX 1060 will receive premium support on Linux, mere months before I switch to an AMD APU lol
Was the wait with it? No. Was it fun? …no.