Comment on In your career, have you found a drama free workplace? 7 months ago
report them to HR for racist comments in the workplace.
report them for sexual harassment.
3 & 4) especially 4 just report to HR for having too many political comments on the floor.
All the stuff you listed is inappropriate and contributing the drama. You report it so that you can say “I’ve already made it known I’m not trying to have these conversations with you, please stop” and when they don’t you go back to step one till they get fired.
The alternative is to learn to accept your coworkers as they are, unprofessional or not, and not let their bullshit irritate you so much.
Not saying which is correct, but you have options. 7 months ago
OP wanted less drama, reporting people seems like it will have precisely the opposite effect, even if it may be the right thing to do. 7 months ago
In the short term, sure… But the reason its like this in the first place is because everyone takes the stance of not rocking the boat. I say throw em overboard.
And shit we’ve all been there, I had a coworker say some vile shit around me before and just let it slide because its easier. I’m in a different position these days and find keeping things secret / quiet only allows these issues to fester.