Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 5 months agoMaybe just don’t be a raging asshole about everything all the time. Image
Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 5 months agoMaybe just don’t be a raging asshole about everything all the time. Image 5 months ago
in what way was I an asshole in this comment exchange? pointing out transphobic behavior? I can live with that 5 months ago
Victim complex. Maybe instead of making everything about you and your struggles, just take it for a funny post that has literally nothing to do with trans people. 5 months ago
It was a trans person posting about their experience, so, uh 5 months ago
Wow. You seriously just said “everything I interact with is about me”. That’s some serious, like not even funny, clinical level narcissism. I’m not even joking anymore, you should get therapy for that. It’s a really unhealthy outlook.