Comment on Just because a jaded veteran post his opinion, doesn't mean it's negative. ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I mean yeah, but what do you wanna do about it? It still has some positives to keep me around and playing, more than many other games, so while I wish there was more I think it’s healthier to just be happy about the little that it is there. It’s their own loss if they can’t figure out how to make it more lucrative, years ago I’d buy the ultimate expansion editions of HoT and PoF and now I’m fine just getting the bare minimum and then spend the rest on other games.

I definitely feel the lack of ambition and/or budget from their side but literally nothing we do can affect that. Even if the entire gaming community of lemmy/kbin/reddit/twitter united and complained, it’d be a drop in the ocean compared to the overall casual market and be barely a blip on NCSoft’s radar.

As with most things in life, enjoy the things you love, try to find the positives and don’t lose sleep over things you can’t change. I don’t know if GW2 is going to be around in another 5 or 10 years but for now it’s enjoyable enough and I’m looking forward to SOTO even though it’s not as much as I’d like to get.
