My mistake, I read too fast, let me read it and get back to you.
My brother in christ, drones are all over that paper. Have you read an academic paper before? Do you know how to follow sources in papers? Tell you what, you go find some sources of your own and we can compare. Sitting back and saying “nuh uh” ain’t gonna do it. Put up or shut up. 7 months ago 7 months ago
Ok, I got time to read it. Drones are only mentioned in one paragraph of the conclusion. Here it is:
The use of drones is an opening hypothesis, not the subject of the study. Impact of drones is not qualified, it is hypothesized to be lower. The linked papers that I have also checked also don’t quantisize the impact but similarly mention it as a potential eco-friendly alternative.
Would you have a different reading of this article?